Sunday, June 23, 2013


     Hello again my gentle readers, bleeders and breeders !  There has been a rapid change in my health status.  I have been diagnosed with squamous cell lung cancer.  I still need to get a Pet scan to see if and where the cancer might have spread,  Also, I need to get an MRI  to see if there is any cancer at, in our near my brain.  This is all new and sudden, requiring me to getteth my crapus together.

My first symptom was a mild but persistent cough which we  blamed on my two recent bouts with pneumonia .  Since I am riddled with MRSA, this was speculation, but another infection was in the ballpark of possibilities.  However, a week into the coughing, I started bringing up about a teaspoon of frank blood laced with jellylike clots.

I went to the ER the next day, and the Hospitalist knew immediately  what was happening.  He sent we to Radiation Medicine and the fine folks there drained 1,700 ml from my left lung !  They discovered that the lung was collapsed.  The attempt to scope my throat with a nasal gastro tube failed.  They tried it with Conscious sedation, which was a total failure due to the severity of my deviated septum.  Either I lost more bar room fights that I can remember; or college hockey was as truly  viscious as I remember.

I needed to go into the O.R. and be given general aniste&#$@ (knocked out )  The surgeon managed to spot a fairly large tumor in my bronchus, and managed to get a chunk of it that was malignant  for squamous cell cancer.  The fluids from these probings did not show any cancer cells  A small, good sign.

My problem with my treatments is the fact I have all these co-morbidities.  i.e.  The Diabetes, the COPD, the Mrsa infections.  The Doctors will not operate to remove the lung because I would never survive the Op.  I have two oncologists: one for Radiation treatments and one for Chemo.  It's not yet known if i will survive the  Chemo.  The two Docs will huddle and come up with a plan.  I have good feelings about both Docs, good vibes and professionalism permeated the room.  Both work out of Mass. General.  My PCP said, no need to go to Boston.  Boston comes to Lowell once a week.

So - I can't see the future ( well,  actually, I can ) but i'll  give this thing a fight.  I've up-armored my wheel chair and Got my K-bar shined and sharpened ready to put on my Assault-Cane.

Let's Roll !