Monday, August 23, 2010


New bandage - a small hidden  moth -
and a beautiful piece of wood.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Things went as well as they could. The wound was closed, the foot shape was well rounded and strong. This was the cast this morning.

This is the view out of my Doctors waiting room.  He is the Foot and Ankle guy for the Patriots. If I keep letting him cut away on me; I might be able to get some Patriot's tickets!

This is the poster that greets you when you wheel in:


Things went as well as they could. The wound was closed, the foot shape was well rounded and strong. This was the cast this morning.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The after demolition movie.

Self explaining -


I told you I was sick, back in Feb- March, or whenever.  I went into the Emergency room on the 4th of July.  I got out treatment IV for the weekend and got admitted to the Hospital in Lowell.
I went home with Vancomycin which my wife and I were administering. When all my "Pictures" came back, the left side of my foot looked wonky. My foot surgeon made an appointment for me with Dr. Chiodo of Boston's Bringham and Womans. I saw him out in Foxboro, at Patriot Place, home of Gillette Stadium. He's now the Foot and Ankle guy for the Patriots.  He is a very forthright guy. As  he was debriding the left side of ny foot, at the little toe, he was hitting bone. Osteomyolitis. So I had to have an amputation. Either a Transmetatarsal or Below Knee; depending on how far the infection had progressed.

So we pushed an operation up to july 30th. When I came out of the OR, I had the best possible outcome. I  was left with half a foot, which will give me much more stability than a BK. So , i've been home for 4 days, getting a little better each day. I'll see Dr. Ciodo on auguat 13 to get the partial cast off and we'll peek at the stump. I'm still non weightbearing and I hope that changes to partial weight bearing.

Look for me to be selling about 10 guitars and a few amps. I need to downsize! I am probably never going to go out playing much, if at all.
Ask me about the Ammo re-loading stuff I have... useful for when the disaster strikes.
I'll be selling about a thousand of my books - and getting a Kindle.
It's getting to be about that time in my life. No regrets .......